Exotic Animal

Important Things to Know About Adopting a Rabbit

Jul 14 • 3 minute read

Rabbits are loving and adorable creatures that make great pets. They can be terrific indoor companions when adopted into an appropriate home. Bunnies come in different sizes, shapes, and colors and are readily adoptable from breeders and shelters. Unfortunately, many people adopt rabbits thinking that they are easy to care for and need little maintenance since they are perfect pets for small children. However, rabbits need intensive maintenance, attention, and care, just like dogs and cats.

If you want to adopt a rabbit for yourself or your child, you should know a few things before bringing your bunny home. When you understand your bunny and what he or she needs, you will not be disillusioned with these pets once you realize that they need effort and time to care for properly. Education is the best way to keep rabbits out of shelters because of impulsive adoption. Here are a few factors to keep in mind when adopting a rabbit.

Every Rabbit Has Its Own Personality

The personalities of rabbits differ just like those of people. Some rabbits tend to be outgoing and energetic, while others are quiet and reserved. Before taking your new rabbit home, you should spend time observing the rabbit’s demeanor to ensure it is well-suited to yours.

Rabbits Need Gentle Handling

Bunnies are incredibly delicate and get frightened easily. If not appropriately handled, a rabbit can scratch, bite, or kick out of fear. When picking up your rabbit, you should provide full support on the front and hindquarters to avoid injuring their spine. You should never pick up your bunny by the ears since it is cruel and painful for the pet.

Rabbits Need Routine Exercise

Bunnies need to spend time outside their cages. Exercising your rabbit every day aids digestion and prevents excess weight gain. Furthermore, your rabbit will enjoy running around and jumping on things. You should provide a penned-off area or bunny-safe room indoors where your rabbit can explore. However, you should never leave your rabbit unsupervised while outside the cage since these pets can chew on inappropriate objects such as electrical wires or painted surfaces.

Rabbits Love Chewing

Bunnies have an instinctive need to chew because their teeth are constantly growing throughout their lives. However, they can’t tell the difference between bad and good things to chew. As a result, you need to rabbit-proof your home. You should keep away things that can harm your bunny, such as books, furniture, and electrical cords. Ensure that you provide your rabbit with safe things they can chew on, such as chewing toys, rabbit-safe chewing sticks, and cardboard boxes.

Rabbits Require Regular Veterinary Care

Rabbits need to see a vet regularly just like other pets. To keep your rabbit healthy, ensure they see a veterinarian trained and experienced in the care of rabbits. Vising the veterinarian at least once every year will help your bunny remain healthy and see that any medical concerns or problems are caught early on and addressed. When the rabbit reaches maturity, it should be neutered or spayed to prevent unwanted litters and protect against some diseases or cancers that affect female rabbits.

Rabbits Need a Well-Balanced Diet

The diet of your pet rabbit is an important consideration. You should provide lots of hay for healthy rabbits to aid in digestion and keep their intestinal tracts healthy. Hay also helps to wear down their continuously growing teeth. Rabbits should eat alfalfa hay until they’re seven months old, then switch to timothy hay. In addition, adult rabbits need two handfuls of fresh vegetables daily, including carrot tops, dark leaf lettuces, turnip greens, collard greens, green leafy vegetables, and beet greens. Ensure that you introduce new rabbit foods one at a time and slowly as you watch for any adverse reactions like diarrhea.

Give Your Rabbit a Loving Home

Rabbits are entertaining and loving pets that can build strong bonds and connections with their human companions. A rabbit is a significant commitment since it can live for 7-10 years. With access to a healthy diet, fresh water, a clean environment, mental stimulation, and plenty of exercise, your rabbit will be a wonderful companion. Before adopting a rabbit, ensure that you assess your availability and dedication to caring for and housing these gentle pets.

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